What is Hacking and Types of Hackings?

Who is Ethical Hacker?, What is Hacking and Types of Hackings?, op 5 Most Dangerous Hackers of all time., What is Hacking?, Hacking for Personal Gain

Today date we all are very sensitive about our data but do you know, Is your data is safe or not if I tell you that your data is sold to thousands of companies and also to hackers.


What is Hacking?

Hacking is a term that's commonly used to describe a variety of illicit activities that people undertake to compromise an electronic device in order to gain access to information or to cause damage. In most cases, hackers have either a financial or political motivation. The types of hacking you're likely to encounter range from simple phishing to more complex cases involving malicious insider attacks. We'll take a look at the definition of hacking and the four main drivers that lead to black hat hacking.
A commonly used hacking definition is the act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or computer system. There are typically four key drivers that lead to black hat hacking in websites or systems: 
  1. Financial gain through the theft of credit card details.
  2. Surveillance
  3. Harassment
  4. Destruction of devices. 

Hacking for Personal Gain

Hacking for personal gain is when someone uses their skills or knowledge to exploit an organization, system, or network for their personal profit. You can hack for personal gain, financial gain or to make a political statement. For example, if you hack into a bank's computer system to steal money from it, you are hacking for personal gain. However, if you hack into a bank's computer system to find out who stole the money, you are hacking for a good cause these types of hackers are called White hat hackers.


Top 5 Most Dangerous Hackers of all time.

  1. Kevin Mitnick
  2. Jonathan James 
  3. Albert Gonzalez
  4. Kevin Poulsen
  5. Gary McKinnon

Who is Ethical Hacker?

Ethical hacking is the process of testing the security of a system, network, or computer user by using hacking techniques without malicious or illegal intentions. It is a form of computer security and a type of penetration testing, which is the process of testing the effectiveness of computer and network security. Ethical hackers are often the first line of defense when it comes to computer security. Once they find a vulnerability, they can inform the company of the issue and provide them with a solution and/or a plan to fix the issue. Ethical hacking is a way to help companies and individuals protect themselves from online threats such as viruses, phishing, cybercrime, and more. It is important to note that ethical hackers can only find vulnerabilities that are already known to the company or individual. They cannot hack into a system without their knowledge. 

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